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Congressional Integrity Project July 17 – July 21, 2023 Summary

Jul 21, 2023

This week, Congressional Integrity Project sent a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government after a video surfaced of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. making hateful, antisemitic, xenophobic remarks regarding the CovidCOVID-19 epidemic. Kennedy was Jordan’s star witness for Thursday’s hearing on the so-called weaponization of the federal government.The letter formally calls on Jordan to disinvite Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from the hearing, for being a known conspiracy theorist whose anti-vaccine views have put lives in jeopardy, a Russian propagandist who has sided with Putin over Ukraine, and now who’s antisemitic and xenophobic views were exposed. Read the letter here

Following this, Congressional Integrity Project released a new report on, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The report, titled RFK Jr: Conspiracy Theorist, Extremist, Republican Stooge, details Kennedy’s long history of spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about a wide array of issues including vaccines, Covid-19, 5G, antidepressants, and election integrity. The report also shows that Kennedy has a long history of palling around with antisemites and spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories. Read the full report here.

This week, Congressional Integrity Project also launched a new ad campaign calling out James Comer for his own political corruption. The ads focus on Comer’s involvement in obtaining and distributing leaked emails during his 2015 gubernatorial race as well as his flip-flop on gambling in Kentucky. Not only did Comer change his position on gambling when the industry started writing campaign checks, he used their largess to line his own pockets. The campaign also includes digital ads and a video highlighting Comer’s corruption. 

CIP sent out 12 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups.

Video surfaced of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. making hateful, antisemitic, racist remarks regarding the Covid-19 epidemic. RFK Jr. was one of Jim Jordan’s star witnesses for this week’s weaponization of the federal government hearing. MAGA Republicans are so desperate to find evidence for their so-called investigations built on debunked conspiracy theories that they were more than happy to overlook Kennedy and his fellow extremist witnesses’ backgrounds.

Congressional Integrity Project is launching a new ad campaign calling out James Comer and his own political corruption.

New reporting once again confirms that Donald Trump is the one really pulling the strings of the Republican-led House. After Trump posted that he is the subject of yet another criminal investigation – this time as part of the DOJ’s January 6th investigation. Matt Gaetz did Trump’s bidding by introducing a new bill to block funding for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office and his investigation into Trump. 

The MAGA House Oversight Committee hosted yet another political stunt masquerading as a hearing alleging federal interference in the investigation of Hunter Biden. During the hearing, the GOP’s own witnesses testified that neither President Biden nor Attorney General Garland interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden, blowing a huge hole in House Republicans’ central claims and Speaker McCarthy’s plans for impeaching the Attorney General.

During a stunt-filled hearing, Representative Chuck Edwards admitted what James Comer refuses to concede: House Oversight’s six month investigation has turned up nary a shred of evidence implicating President Biden in any wrongdoing whatsoever.

We had the receipts after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed he has never made racist or antisemitic comments.

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following 8 articles or news appearances.

Politico: Playbook: All eyes on Joe Manchin: 2024 edition. “CALLS FOR HOUSE GOP TO DISINVITE RFK JR. — The Congressional Integrity Project has sent a letter to Rep. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) calling on him to disinvite ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. from speaking on a congressional panel Thursday, Daniel Lippman reports… ‘[W]e now have video evidence of his horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views, which are simply beyond the pale,’ CIP executive director KYLE HERRIG writes to Jordan, who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which is scheduled to host Kennedy as a guest for a panel on censorship scheduled for Thursday.” [Politico, 7/17/23]

Washington Examiner: Democratic watchdog demands Jordan disinvite RFK Jr from testifying before weaponization committee. “In the letter, Congressional Integrity Project Executive Director Kyle Herrig wrote, ‘Not only is he a known conspiracy theorist whose anti-vaccine views have put lives in jeopardy, a Russian propagandist who has sided with Putin over Ukraine, and a total whack job whose views and conspiracy theories would be completely ignored but for his last name, but we now have video evidence of his horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views which are simply beyond the pale.’ Herrig alleged, ‘This is all part of the same antisemitic pattern from you and your fellow House Republicans.’” [Washington Examiner, 7/17/23]

The Dallas Express: Activists Push To Drop RFK Jr. Testimony. “Congressional Integrity Project Executive Director Kyle Herrig wrote the letter asking for Kennedy to be removed from the witness list. ‘Not only is he a known conspiracy theorist whose anti-vaccine views have put lives in jeopardy, a Russian propagandist who has sided with Putin over Ukraine, and a total whack job whose views and conspiracy theories would be completely ignored but for his last name, but we now have video evidence of his horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views which are simply beyond the pale,’ Herrig wrote.” [The Dallas Express, 7/17/23]

AP News: Watchdog calls for House committee to uninvite RFK Jr. after his comments are blasted as antisemitic. “Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project, sent a letter to Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, asking him to disinvite Kennedy from a hearing scheduled for Thursday after the candidate’s comments at a New York City dinner last week prompted widespread accusations of antisemitism and racism.” [AP News, 7/17/23]

The Hill: The Hill’s Morning Report — Manchin keeps everyone guessing on next move. “Democratic watchdog group Congressional Integrity Project asked House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) Monday to rescind a select subcommittee’s Thursday invitation to Kennedy Jr. to testify about censorship — following the Democratic primary candidate’s controversial COVID-19 remarks in New York City over the weekend, which were condemned as racist, antisemitic and knowingly based on falsehoods. Kennedy says his remarks, captured on video, were misrepresented (The Associated Press). ” [The Hill, 7/18/23]

The Guardian: Family members join condemnation of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Covid remarks. “Meanwhile Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project, wrote to Ohio Republican Jim Jordan, chair of the House subcommittee on the weaponization of federal government, asking him to disinvite Kennedy from a hearing scheduled for Thursday.” [The Guardian, 7/19/23]

The Guardian: Robert Kennedy Jr’s racist, antisemitic and xenophobic views go back decades, report says. “The Congressional Integrity Project, a political watchdog, called for Republicans to disinvite Kennedy after releasing a report that details his meetings with and promotion of racists, antisemites and extremist conspiracy theorists. ‘Kennedy embraces virtually every conspiracy theory in existence,’ the report states. ‘His horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views are simply beyond the pale, and he has frequently met with and promoted antisemitic conspiracy theorists. Kennedy’s anti-vaccine conspiracies go back decades and have had deadly real world consequences.’” [The Guardian, 7/19/23]

Independent: RFK Jr’s ‘horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views’ detailed in explosive report. “The Congressional Integrity Project, an organisation that has criticised House Republicans’ investigations into the Biden administration, released a report detailing the depths of Mr Kennedy’s antisemitic and xenophobic remarks. ‘Kennedy embraces virtually every conspiracy theory in existence,’ the report said. ‘His horrific antisemitic and xenophobic views are simply beyond the pale, and he has frequently met with and promoted antisemitic conspiracy theorists.’” [Independent, 7/19/23]