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Congressional Integrity Project July 5 – July 14, 2023 Summary

Jul 14, 2023

This week, Congressional Integrity Project mounted a new campaign welcoming back the MAGA Republicans from the July recess, featuring reports, videos, and more.

With the campaign, Congressional Integrity Project released a new report. The report, titled Six Months of Stunts, Wrong Priorities, and Failure: MAGA Republicans Have Nothing to Show for Their Partisan Games, details exactly how MAGA Republicans have failed by any conceivable measure in their ongoing sham investigations into President Biden. Read the full report here and view the digital toolkit here.

Watch the new highlight reel video exposing their six months of failure by Fox News and other conservative hosts here

Congressional Integrity Project also released a new report detailing the deep financial ties between Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee and big oil and other industries who stand to lose the most from environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. They have taken over $9.6 million in campaign contributions from four industries commonly included in ESG screens, namely the oil & gas, coal, tobacco, and civilian firearm industries. Read the full report here

With this report, Congressional Integrity Project released an ad that details how MAGA Republicans are pushing their anti-ESG agenda purely to satisfy the wealthy special interests that fund their campaigns. Watch the ad here

Congressional Integrity Project released new polling data commissioned by Global Strategy Group. The poll found that 75% of Americans including a whopping 76% of Republicans who do not identify with the MAGA label would rather have Congress focus on addressing the real issues like inflation and the economy than trying to investigate the Biden administration. The poll also found that a majority of voters say the investigations reflect wrong priorities and are a waste of time. View the poll results here.

The poll results and research were shared by the House Judiciary Committee democrats and others. The highlights of the research shared found that 76% of Republicans who do not identify with the MAGA label want Congress to focus on solving issues related to the economy, rather than the bogus agenda the MAGA House of Representatives have made their top priority. 

Congressional Integrity Project also launched a bike billboard welcoming James Comer and Jim Jordan back from recess, highlighting that even conservatives think their political stunts masquerading as investigations have been embarrassing failures. The billboard follows the new report that the Congressional Integrity Project released detailing six months of stunts, wrong priorities, and failure since Republicans took over control of the House.

Congressional Integrity Project hosted a press call with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, Donald Sherman, Executive Vice President and Chief Counsel of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Will Jordan, Vice President of Research at Global Strategy Group, and Leslie Dach, senior advisor to the Congressional Integrity Project. The speakers discussed the past six months of partisan investigations from Republicans in Congress and the release of new polling showing a majority of Americans agree that Congress should be focusing on addressing real issues, not political stunts.

Watch the full press briefing here.


CIP sent out 23 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups.

James Comer came up with another ridiculous conspiracy theory, claiming without any evidence that the U.S. is providing support for our ally Ukraine in their fight against a Russian invasion because Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has “dirt” on President Biden.

Congressional Integrity Project released a new report, Six Months of Stunts, Wrong Priorities, and Failure: MAGA Republicans Have Nothing to Show for Their Partisan Games, which details exactly how MAGA Republicans have failed by any conceivable measure in their ongoing sham investigations into President Biden.

The MAGA Republicans on the House Administration Committee held a field hearing in Fulton County, Georgia to promote their anti-voter legislation that could disenfranchise millions of Americans and further harassment and intimidation of election workers.

Republicans on the House Administration Committee held another hearing on so-called election fraud, pushing false and unsubstantiated claims echoing Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was marred by widespread voter fraud.

The MAGA Republicans on the House Administration Committee held a field hearing in Atlanta, Georgia to promote their anti-voter agenda, the latest in a series designed to promote their agenda to quietly disenfranchise Americans.

Gal Luft, James Comer’s chief witness in alleging crimes from President Biden, was being charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent for China, trafficking in arms, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and making false statements to federal agents.

Time and time again Comer hypes up his bombshell evidence, and each time, his evidence is refuted, and his house of cards continues to crumble. 

Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee are in the pocket of big oil and other industries that stand to lose the most from environmental, social, and governance investing. 

The House GOP is at it again with the first in their series of partisan stunt hearings of the week focused on pushing the MAGA agenda by attacking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment strategies at their latest hearing with witnesses who push the same conspiracy theories 

Ever since former president Trump called on House Republicans to “defund the DOJ and FBI” in April, his MAGA allies in Congress have lined up to push for spending cuts and even all-out abolition for federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI in retaliation for his indictments.

Republicans are doubling down, standing by the indicted agent and arms dealer, Gal Luft, who was recently charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent for China, trafficking in arms, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and making false statements to federal agents and whose whereabouts are currently unknown. 

Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, Donald Sherman, Executive Vice President and Chief Counsel of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Will Jordan, Vice President of Research at Global Strategy Group, and Leslie Dach, senior advisor to the Congressional Integrity Project, will join a press call hosted by the Congressional Integrity Project.

CIP launched a bike billboard welcoming James Comer and Jim Jordan back from recess, highlighting that even conservatives think their political stunts masquerading as investigations have been embarrassing failures. 

The House Financial Services Committee held a hearing, misleadingly titled “Protecting Investor Interests.” In reality, it was nothing more than an attempt by MAGA Republicans to showboat for their wealthy special-interest donors

The MAGA Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the FBI featuring testimony from FBI Director Christopher Wray that devolved quickly into a conspiracy theory-filled mess

James Comer asked us to take a look at the record of the first six months of the MAGA Congress… And we did

CIP released a new ad that details how MAGA Republicans are pushing their anti-ESG agenda purely to satisfy the wealthy special interests that fund their campaigns.

The House GOP is at it again with the second in their series of partisan stunt hearings of the week focused on pushing the MAGA agenda by attacking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment strategies at their latest hearing with witnesses who push the same conspiracy theories 

MAGA Republicans are standing by their chief witness who was recently indicted for acting as an unregistered foreign agent for China, trafficking in arms, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and making false statements to federal agents, ignoring calls by their Democratic colleagues to turn over information on the witness.

Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, Donald Sherman, executive vice president and chief counsel of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Will Jordan, vice president of research at Global Strategy Group, and Leslie Dach, senior advisor to the Congressional Integrity Project, joined a press call hosted by the Congressional Integrity Project to discuss the past six months of partisan investigations from Republicans in Congress and release new polling showing Americans agree Congress should be focusing on addressing real issues, not political stunts

According to a new poll commissioned by the Congressional Integrity Project and conducted by Global Strategy Group, the American people have made clear that they want Congress to focus on the real issues impacting their lives.

The House GOP is at it again with the third in their series of partisan stunt hearings of the week focused on pushing the MAGA agenda by attacking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment strategies at their latest hearing with witnesses who push the same conspiracy theories 

This week, MAGA Republicans continued their assault on responsible investing, holding a series of hearings to protect their wealthy special interest donors.

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following 10 articles or news appearances. 

Raw Story: GOP ramping up war on DOJ as walls close in on Trump. “Kyle Herrig of the Congressional Integrity Project cited the plans and explained, ‘The party of Maga is following the leader, Donald Trump, who is currently in serious legal troubles across the country. The party seems willing to try to deflect from those legal problems by running interference vis-a-vis investigations that they’re doing in Congress. What they’re doing is playing 30% of their base without realizing you need another 20% to win elections.’” [Raw Story, 7/8/23]

The Guardian: With Trump in trouble, Republicans step up assault on DoJ and FBI. “Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project watchdog, agreed. He said: ‘The party of Maga is following the leader, Donald Trump, who is currently in serious legal troubles across the country. The party seems willing to try to deflect from those legal problems by running interference vis-a-vis investigations that they’re doing in Congress. What they’re doing is playing 30% of their base without realising you need another 20% to win elections.’” [The Guardian, 7/8/23]

Punchbowl News: Congress is back for a hectic July. “Also: The Congressional Integrity Project, the liberal group whose goal is to push back on GOP investigations, is out with a new report declaring that Republican probes have fallen flat. The report cites polling that shows some Republicans want the House majority to focus on other pursuits. The group is also running a digital ad showing prominent Fox News hosts criticizing House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.).” [Punchbowl News, 7/10/23]

The Independent: ‘Whistleblower’ who accused Bidens of corruption is charged with arms trafficking and violating Iran sanctions. “Kyle Herrig, the executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project, said in a statement that the case of Mr Luft shows there is ‘nothing more corrupt than the lengths MAGA Republicans will go to preserve and expand their own power, including consorting with other corrupt actors – even alleged spies for the Chinese Communist Party’. ‘Do James Comer, Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy lack a single ounce of shame? Apparently so. The case against President Biden was built on nothing more than conspiracy theories to begin with, but over the past few weeks we’ve seen their allegations crumble even more,’ he said. ‘Today’s charges add to six months of misery and failure for MAGA Republicans whose political stunts have failed to uncover a single piece of evidence linking President Biden to any wrongdoing whatsoever’.” [The Independent, 7/11/23]

Washington Post: Republicans say they would like to call witness despite criminal indictment. “‘If you thought James Comer couldn’t drop the ball anymore, think again,’ the Congressional Integrity Project, an outside liberal group formed to defend the White House from GOP investigations, said in a statement Tuesday.’Time and time again Comer hypes up his bombshell evidence, and each time, his evidence is refuted, and his house of cards continues to crumble,’ the group added.” [Washington Post, 7/11/23]

Georgia Public Broadcasting: Republicans want answers from FBI Director Wray in their push for Biden probes. “On Monday the Congressional Integrity Project, a liberal advocacy group set up to push back against GOP probes, released a report of the first six months of House Republican oversight efforts. Kyle Herring, the executive director of the group, said the House GOP didn’t have a lot to show for their probes: ‘Rather than working across the aisle to address the issues keeping Americans up at night – like health care, gun violence, and the economy – James Comer, Jim Jordan, and their MAGA colleagues have wasted half a year pursuing conspiracy theories and spouting nonsense on Fox News.’” [Georgia Public Broadcasting, 7/12/23]

Daily Beast: James Comer Opposed Gambling. Then He Got Wooed by Horse Tycoons. “Comer’s Democratic antagonists in Washington have certainly been asking that question. Kyle Herring, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project—an outside group that has run interference on the House GOP’s Biden investigations—argued that Comer has ‘stacked the deck’ in his own favor. ‘As Oversight chair, he has been more than happy to make house money out of taxpayer dollars, manufacturing political investigations—in spite of a lack of evidence—to tip the scales for Trump,’ Herrig said. ‘If Jim Comer actually wanted to expose public corruption, he could come clean on his own record of misconduct and face the consequences.’” [Daily Beast, 7/12/23]

Politico: Lawmakers introduce bill to close Wynn FARA loophole. “Liberal opposition group Congressional Integrity Project is launching a digital ad buy highlighting investments in oil and gas companies and campaign contributions from the industry to the Republican lawmakers championing the ESG crackdown on the Hill. ‘MAGA Republicans in the pocket of Big Oil want to control your finances’ by ‘targeting corporations for responsible investing strategies,’ the ad’s narrator says, according to a preview shared with PI. ‘Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee alone have taken nearly $10 million from special interests that stand to lose if companies continue to prioritize responsible lending,’ CIP executive director Kyle Herrig said in a statement, accusing lawmakers of “working overtime for these special interests to try to undermine corporate efforts to make forward-looking decisions about clean energy, climate change, and gun violence.’” [Politico, 7/12/23

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Democrats decry Jim Jordan’s hearings as ‘partisan political stunts’. “A Global Strategy Group poll commissioned by the left-leaning Congressional Integrity Project found that voters want congressional Republicans to focus more on the economy than investigations, including a majority of Republicans who said they don’t identify as supporters of former President Donald Trump’s “MAGA” movement. The online poll was of 1,200 likely 2024 voters nationwide, with a 2.8% margin of error.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 7/13/23]

Exposed by CMD: House GOP Joins the War on ESG, Brought to You by Big Oil. “Republican members of the House Financial Services Committee, which called for the hearings, have accepted more than $6.6 million from the oil and gas industry, according to a new report by the Congressional Integrity Project. In addition, some committee members have direct financial stakes in oil and gas companies, and their witnesses work at think tanks bankrolled by fossil fuel interests.” [Exposed by CMD, 7/14/23]

Finally, CIP shared the following talking points and message guidance with our Allies and staff members on the Hill.