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Congressional Integrity Project February 5 – February 9, 2024 Summary

Feb 9, 2024

This week, the Congressional Integrity Project continued to drive the narratives against the baseless, fact-free impeachment attempts of President Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 

After takling articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas to vote on the House floor, despite knowing they didn’t have the votes and there is no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors by the Secretary, the vote failed with a bipartisan majority. Despite this, 215 MAGA House Republicans voted for the political stunt designed to aid Donald Trump, harm President Biden, and help Trump return to the White House. MAGA House Republicans have wasted all year on this baseless investigation, while walking away from bipartisan border deals and ignoring the important priorities of Americans across the country. 

Watch Congressional Integrity Project’s new video on the epic failure of the Mayorkas impeachment investigation and vote. 

Hannah Muldavin, Congressional Integrity Project’s senior communications advisor, joined a press call with leaders from immigration and Latino-focused organizations joined to assess the details and implications of a busy week on immigration policy and politics – including what the right lessons are from the failed impeachment vote of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and from the ongoing legislative dysfunction on display in the U.S. Senate.

CIP sent out 14 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups.

MAGA House Republicans sent and voted on articles of impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas on the House floor. Unsurprisingly, the vote failed in a bipartisan fashion. 

Jim Jordan held a hearing on artificial intelligence in their select subcommittee investigating the so-called weaponization of the federal government.

House Republicans released the transcript of yet another witness interview debunking their allegations against President Biden and his family.

Special Counsel Robert Hur released a report and decision in President Biden’s document case. Despite acknowledging no crime was committed by the President, Hur couldn’t miss the opportunity to take a gratuitous political punch at the President.

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following 3 articles or news appearances.

Washington Examiner: How House Republicans are using slim majority to protect Trump during reelection bid. “In fact, the Democratic-aligned Congressional Integrity Project relaunched itself shortly after Republicans won the majority in 2022 to push back against GOP efforts to investigate Biden and his family members as ‘revenge’ for Trump’s loss in 2020. The group decried those investigations as distractions from Trump’s legal troubles that they say were commissioned by the former president himself. ‘Donald Trump has instructed his puppets in Congress to conduct baseless investigations and shut down bipartisan border deals in order to distract from his attempt to overthrow the 2020 election, two impeachments, 91 criminal indictments, and MAGA House Republicans’ year of legislative failures,’ Hannah Muldavin, senior communications adviser for the Congressional Integrity Project, told the Washington Examiner. ‘Republicans have done absolutely nothing to help Americans across the country and only want to harm President Biden in order to help Trump return to the White House in 2024.’” [Washington Examiner, 2/6/24]

Raw Story: ‘Embarrassing defeat’: Onlookers amazed at Republicans’ failure on major votes. “Congressional Integrity Project called it a ‘stunt.’ ‘215 House Republicans voted in favor of a desperate political stunt in an effort to aid Donald Trump,’ the group wrote. ‘This was a massive waste of everyone’s time — and their conference owns this stunt.’” [Raw Story, 2/6/24]

HuffPost: Mayorkas Impeachment Flop Shows The Difficulty Of Impeaching Joe Biden. “A group called the Congressional Integrity Project, for instance, said it took out digital ads last year against the 18 Republicans representing districts Biden won in 2020, slamming them for going along with an ‘evidence-free impeachment inquiry.’” [HuffPost, 2/7/24]