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Congressional Integrity Project May 28 – June 7, 2024 Summary

Jun 7, 2024

This week, the Congressional Integrity Project continued to drive the narrative against the baseless, fact-free impeachment attempt of President Biden after Jordan and Comer effectively ended their attempt with a whimper by sending criminal referrals to the Department of Justice—the same DOJ they are threatening with defunding over convicted felon Donald Trump’s multiple criminal cases.

This week, the Congressional Integrity Project released a new report that outlines the numerous ways that House Republicans have abused their congressional oversight power to interfere with Donald Trump’s criminal trials and attack President Biden. 

House Republicans have interfered in every criminal case Trump is charged in including Alvin Bragg’s successful Manhattan case, Jack Smith’s federal prosecutions, and Fani Willis’ Fulton County case. Jordan and his committee have spent over a year holding political stunt hearings and sent over a dozen letters to the officials involved in prosecuting the former President, accusing all of them of political bias and threatening to take Congressional action to interfere. And now, even after a jury of Donald Trump’s peers found him guilty in Manhattan last week, House Republicans are continuing their attacks on the rule of law. Read the full report here.

CIP sent out 7 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups

James Comer and Jim Jordan used their committee chairmanships to conduct their latest political stunt – baseless criminal referrals.

New polling results confirm what we’ve known all along – Americans disapprove of MAGA House Republicans because they have the wrong priorities. 

Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to hide sex with a porn star from voters. Trump still faces felony charges in three other criminal cases.

President Biden signed an Executive Order strengthening border security. This Executive Order comes after MAGA House Republicans, at the demand of convicted felon Donald Trump, killed bipartisan border security legislation and refused to come to the table to address the issue.

The Congressional Integrity Project released a new report outlining the numerous ways that House Republicans have abused their congressional oversight power to interfere with Donald Trump’s criminal trials and attack President Biden.

Jim Jordan and his fellow MAGA House Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee held yet another hearing for the sole purpose of using their government positions to shield convicted felon Donald Trump from accountability for his crimes.

Axios reported that MAGA Republican House members are pressuring Speaker Mike Johnson to give floor time to legislation that allows presidents and former presidents to bring state cases to federal court – a move that would benefit their leader and convicted felon Donald Trump. 

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following 3 articles or news appearances.

Newsmax: Dems Seek Inquiry of Rep. Comer Over Biden Probe. “‘James Comer cares more about filling his war chest than serving the needs of his constituents,’ Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Democrat-aligned Congressional Integrity Project, said in a statement, reported The Washington Examiner. ‘His disastrous reign on Oversight has all been to help two people first and foremost: himself, and Donald Trump. He cannot be trusted to conduct legitimate Oversight while using the Committee and its actions as his own personal campaign advertisement.’ In a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, the organization asks that a determination be made about whether the Kentucky Republican violated house rules by seeking campaign donations in messages related to the impeachment inquiry, saying that House rules prohibit solicitations for campaign or political contributions that are linked to a lawmaker’s official duties.” [Newsmax, 5/23/34

Boston Globe: Time to “fight back”: GOP out for revenge after Trump conviction. “‘A jury of Trump’s peers unanimously found he was guilty on all 34 counts,’ said Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project, a Democratic group that scrutinizes congressional Republicans. ‘MAGA Republicans are undermining our justice system in order to protect convicted felon Donald Trump and ignoring the actual priorities of Americans.’” [Boston Globe, 5/31/24]

The Atlantic: What Trump’s Total GOP Control Means Next. “Leslie Dach, a senior adviser to the liberal-leaning Congressional Integrity Project, points out that virtually all of the congressional Republicans who resisted Trump during his first term—including Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney—either have left or are leaving Congress. Though much less outspoken, Senator Mitch McConnell and former Speaker Paul Ryan, who led the Republican congressional majorities when Trump was first elected in 2017, were also cool to him in their own ways. With Johnson established as speaker and McConnell stepping down as Senate minority leader, both the congressional GOP’s rank and file and its leadership are certain to be more deferential to a reelected Trump. ‘There’s an arms race among these Republicans to be the leader of the Trump pack,’ Dach told me.” [The Atlantic, 6/6/24]