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Donald Trump Is A Convicted Felon Despite Relentless Interference By MAGA House Republicans

May 30, 2024

PRESS RELEASE         Contact:
For Immediate Release
Date: May 30, 2024

Washington, D.C. – Today, Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to hide sex with a porn star from voters. Trump still faces felony charges in three other criminal cases. In response, Congressional Integrity Project executive director, Kyle Herrig, issued the following statement: 

“James Comer, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Johnson, and their fellow MAGA Republicans have spent two years spinning bogus tall tales about Joe Biden with one effort in mind – to hurt Biden and shield Trump from his crimes to help the now convicted felon return to the White House. They weaponized Congressional oversight to interfere with Trump’s criminal trials, attacked prosecutors and judges, and brought a bogus and unsuccessful impeachment effort against Joe Biden. 

It all failed miserably. Twelve jurors made Trump the first former president who is also a convicted felon. No doubt MAGA House Republicans will now move from attacking the district attorney and the judge to attacking the jury and the verdict itself – but make no mistake – Trump had his day in court, a jury of his peers weighed the evidence, and determined he committed a crime. That’s the American justice system. That’s American democracy. Attacking the jury is an attack on our rule of law to curry favor with a criminal. Is there no bottom for these people?”
