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Congressional Integrity Project January 15 – January 19, 2024 Summary

Jan 19, 2024

This week, the Congressional Integrity Project drove the narratives of multiple bogus hearings on the sham impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

After a year of investigating Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, MAGA House Republicans have failed to present a single shred of evidence of impeachable offenses or high crimes or misdemeanors. Despite this, MAGA Republicans announced they are taking the unprecedented step of impeachment, with a newly leaked memo showing they never even cared about the facts all along; they planned to move forward with the proceedings even before any hearing, evidence, or testimony was given. Instead of coming to the table to address the issues with our outdated and broken immigration system, House Republicans continue to pursue baseless, extreme, and harmful impeachment charades, demonstrating their interest in playing politics rather than solving real problems. This impeachment is a pre-planned, predetermined political stunt, designed to distract from MAGA House Republicans’ inability to legislate in an effort to help return Donald Trump to the White House in 2024. 

CIP sent out 7 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups.

This week, House Republicans are pushing more of the same stunts as part of their baseless impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

After Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas agreed to testify in front of the House Homeland Security Committee as part of their impeachment proceedings, MAGA House Republicans have now backtracked and said they don’t want the Secretary to testify anymore.

Today, a lawyer who James Comer deposed for closed-door testimony yesterday blasted the Oversight Chair for issuing “cherry‐picked, out-of-context and totally misleading descriptions” of testimony.

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following news appearance.

Congressional Integrity Project senior advisor, Brad Woodhouse, on CNN. Watch. [X, 1/18/24]