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Congressional Integrity Project August 21 – September 1, 2023 Summary

Sep 1, 2023

This week, following new reporting detailing Kevin McCarthy’s plan to move forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Biden when the House reconvenes in September – despite Republicans having no evidence of wrongdoing or impeachable offenses. One anonymous Republican lawmaker admitted to CNN, “[t]here’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money. There’s just no evidence of that. And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t I don’t think the evidence exists.”

Congressional Integrity Project called on each of the 18 Republican members of Congress who currently represent districts President Biden won in 2020 to reject these bogus impeachment claims and start focusing on the important issues to American families rather than using their congressional majority to defend Donald Trump and tarnish President Biden.

Congressional Integrity Project has called on the following members to reject these bogus impeachment attempts: Don Bacon (NE-2), Lori Chavez-Deremer (OR-5), Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6), Anthony D’Esposito (NY-4), John Duarte (CA-13), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Tom Kean Jr. (NJ-7), Jen Kiggans (VA-2), Young Kim (CA-40), Nick LaLota (NY-1), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Marc Molinaro (NY-19), George Santos (NY-3), David Schweikert (AZ-1), Michelle Steel (CA-45), David Valadao (CA-22), and Brandon Williams (NY-22).

Congressional Integrity Project also released ads in five districts calling out the Republicans who represent them in Congress for their support of a slate of bills in the House Financial Services Committee that would block money managers, including pension fund managers, from well-established financial risk factors in investment decisions.

The digital ads target Reps. Steil (WI-1), Kim (CA-40), Lawler (NY-17), Nunn (IA-3), and De La Cruz (TX-15), and holds them accountable for their attacks on responsible investing. 

Watch the ads here

Congressional Integrity Project released new national poll results conducted by Public Policy Polling. View the new poll results HERE.

The top findings include: 

CIP sent out 9 rapid response products, including statements, fact sheets, and memos.

Despite Donald Trump’s absence at Wednesday’s GOP Presidential debate in Milwaukee, the MAGA Republican presidential candidates will carry his water defending him and making false attacks against President Biden and his family.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatened that Republicans would move forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Biden if his administration didn’t turn over all the documents they wanted. An Oversight Committee staffer said that the documents McCarthy mentioned were never requested from the White House.

Jim Jordan sent a letter to the Fulton County District Attorney requesting records on details of any use of federal funds and/or communications with the Department of Justice or Jack Smith during their investigation into Donald Trump and his allies

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is threatening to move forward with a bogus, evidence-free impeachment inquiry – without a vote on the House floor – as soon as next month.

Donald Trump is pressuring McCarthy to pursue impeachment of the President to distract from his multiple ongoing criminal investigations.

It’s time for every Republican who is hiding or afraid to go on the record opposing this impeachment stunt to tell their constituents where they stand.

Congressional Integrity Project released ads in five Republican districts to hold them accountable for their attacks on responsible investing. 

Congressional Integrity Project released new national polling results conducted by Public Policy Polling. 

At a town hall, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened not to vote to fund the government unless the House voted to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, despite having no evidence.


CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following articles or news appearances. 

Congressional Integrity Project senior advisor, Hannah Muldavin, on MSNBC. [Video, 8/31/23]

Raw Story (Opinion): For Trump: A screaming silence from 18 of Congress’ most vulnerable Republicans. “Their Congressional Integrity Project, for one, has unleashed a biting ad specifically targeting members of the Biden 18 in their respective districts – singling out each with a personalized insert. This is how the shell of the ad reads: ‘MAGA Republicans have hijacked the House of Representatives. They’re wasting your taxpayer dollars on partisan stunts instead of tackling the issues that the American people care about. But what has Congressman (fill in the Biden 18 rep) done to stop them? Absolutely nothing! He’s been asleep at the wheel while MAGA Republicans push conspiracy theories, give platforms to anti-Semites and racists. And now they’re moving to impeach President Biden without a shred of evidence he’s done anything wrong. Call Congressman (___). Tell him to stop pushing an extreme agenda.’” [Raw Story, 8/20/23]

Semafor Principles newsletter: Impeachment Skepticism. “Americans are split along partisan lines about whether a House impeachment inquiry into Biden would be partisan. According to a Public Policy Polling survey shared exclusively with Semafor and commissioned by the left-leaning Congressional Integrity Project, 51% of voters say an impeachment investigation would be more about trying to damage the president politically, versus 45% who say it would be to get to the truth about the various allegations surrounding Hunter Biden. The poll found low favorable ratings for Republicans conducting the investigation, however, with only 21% approving of Congressman Jim Comer’s performance and 41% disapproving. President Biden’s approval came in at 44%, slightly higher than his average in recent polls.” [Semafor, 8/30/23]

Washington Examiner: Majority of voters skeptical of Biden impeachment inquiry: Poll. “Fifty-six percent of voters say an impeachment inquiry would be more politically motivated, compared to just 38% who say it would be “more of a serious effort to investigate important problems,” according to a recent poll by the left-leaning Congressional Integrity Project and Public Policy Polling. Most independent voters, or 53%, say the move would amount to a partisan stunt, possibly harming Republicans with a crucial voter bloc… ‘MAGA Republicans’ impeachment promises are nothing more than a partisan political stunt designed to hurt President Biden, and the American people know it,’ said Congressional Integrity Project senior adviser Leslie Dach in a statement. ‘Republicans have failed to find a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden and voters see right through their partisan games.’” [Washington Examiner, 8/30/23]

[Twitter, 8/30/23]

The Hill: Americans split along party lines on impeachment: survey. “The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by the Congressional Integrity Project, both of which have Democratic leanings, found 56 percent of registered voters think a GOP impeachment inquiry into Biden would be a ‘partisan political stunt,’ including 20 percent of Trump voters and 88 percent of Biden voters. When grouped by party affiliation, 30 percent of Republicans and 81 percent of Democrats held this view.” [The Hill, 8/30/23]

NBC News: White House ramps up war room to battle expected GOP impeachment inquiry. “The Congressional Integrity Project, a Democratic group, also is coordinating a response from the outside, tracking GOP statements and seeking to amplify party divisions and unease with impeachment, particularly among politically vulnerable members in Biden-won districts. The Congressional Integrity Project added firepower ahead of a possible impeachment by tapping recently departed White House official Kate Berner as an adviser to help coordinate the response… ‘Eight months of partisan investigations have turned up no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden,’ Executive Director Kyle Herrig said. ‘If the House GOP wants to follow their MAGA right’s demands to pursue these bogus political stunts, CIP will be prepared with a unified opposition backed up by facts, mountains of evidence and a public exhausted with their grandstanding.’” [NBC News, 9/1/23]

MSN: Bill Press: Impeach Joe Biden! But for what, exactly? “Efforts to impeach Joe Biden will fail, not only because of lack of evidence, but because they could backfire on Republicans and cost them control of the House in 2024. A poll by the Congressional Integrity Project this week shows that 56% of Americans already think trying to impeach Biden is a ‘political stunt.’” [MSN, 9/1/23