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Congressional Integrity Project June 10 – June 14, 2024 Summary

Jun 14, 2024

This week, the Congressional Integrity Project continued to drive the narratives against the baseless, fact-free impeachment attempt of President Biden and MAGA Republican’s political stunt of voting to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. These political stunts are aimed to harm President Biden and his administration so convicted felon Donald Trump can try and return to the White House in 2024. 

CIP sent out 7 rapid-response products, including statements, fact sheets, and roundups.

MAGA Republicans in Congress passed a bogus contempt resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Convicted felon Donald Trump will meet with his MAGA House Republican cronies at the scene of the insurrection he started to set the stage to attempt to sow seeds of doubt in the 2024 election.

James Comer did a wild, unhinged interview on Fox News where he claimed President Biden has committed “many crimes” – despite being unable to name one.

MAGA House Republican members are whipping a bill that allows presidents and former presidents to bring state cases against them to federal court – a move to benefit their leader, convicted felon Donald Trump.

MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson once again caved to the demands of convicted felon Donald Trump and announced his support for legislation to defund the Special Counsel’s office.

House Republicans in the Judiciary Committee are holding a hearing attacking the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in retaliation for Trump’s criminal conviction on 34 state felony counts by a jury of his peers

CIP was mentioned or quoted in the following 2 articles.

Daily Kos: GOP congressman caught again doing same thing he accuses Biden of. “In March 2023, the Congressional Integrity Project—the Democratic-aligned group committed to putting Republicans on the defensive—wrote a letter asking for a Kentucky prosecutor to investigate Comer for possibly committing “at least one, and perhaps multiple, felony offenses during his failed attempt to secure the Republican nomination for governor in 2015.” The motivation for the letter was a New York Times profile on Comer, in which the congressman talked about the tight gubernatorial primary he had lost—which included allegations by a blogger against him that he was abusive to a college girlfriend:” [Daily Kos, 6/10/24]

The Guardian: Hunter Biden conviction shows ‘no one is above the law’, says special counsel – as it happened. “In fact, Comer’s investigation into Joe Biden was criticized by the Congressional Integrity Project, a watchdog group, for ‘[overhyping] allegations of bribery and corruption against Biden without once producing hard evidence,’ the Guardian’s David Smith reported.” [The Guardian, 6/11/24]