Full-page ads in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin State Journal, and Oshkosh Northwestern highlight how Johnson has misused his office to benefit himself
Washington, D.C. – The Congressional Integrity Project (CIP) launched its first ad buy today, targeting Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) for his years of corruption and self-dealing in Congress. The full-page ad, which will run this Sunday in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Wisconsin State Journal, and Johnson’s hometown paper, the Oshkosh Northwestern, highlights how Johnson has used his office to help grow his personal wealth by as much as 100% while ignoring the priorities of Wisconsinites, like COVID-19 relief and election security.
“In the Senate, Ron Johnson has consistently prioritized his personal fortune, his family’s business assets, and his political allies ahead of his constituents,” said Kyle Herrig, Executive Director of the Congressional Integrity Project. “We can’t make Johnson act ethically, but we can highlight the truth about his unethical behavior.”

Last week the Congressional Integrity Project released “Covering for Corruption: Part One”, a report on Johnson’s self-dealing. The report chronicles numerous instance of corruption, including:
- Before stocksplummeted because of thecoronavirus, Johnson sold his stake in Pacur, the company he led, to a private equity firm that deals with industries he has oversight of in the Senate. An executive at the private equity firm was a major donor to Johnson’s campaign, and Johnson likely sold this stake for significantly more than its 2018 reported value — for as much as $25 million.
- Ron Johnson personally benefited from the Republican tax cut bill that he voted for in 2017, and successfully pushed for provisions that would benefit his family.
- Financialdisclosure reports show that Johnson’s wealth has likely doubled since running for the Senate.
The Congressional Integrity Project also released polling showing how Wisconsinites are concerned about Sen. Ron Johnson’s business dealings and disapprove of his priorities as Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The group will continue working to expose elected officials like Johnson who put their own interests above those of their constituents.
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