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The Tucker Carlson Panel: Insurrectionist Supporters, Election Deniers, Paid FOX News Contributors, Disgruntled Former Employees and Book Sellers Make up Jim Jordan’s Witnesses Today

Feb 9, 2023

February 9, 2023

MAGA heartthrob Jim Jordan is holding the first hearing of the so-called Weaponization of Government Committee today – a creation of Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson to exact revenge on political opponents of the former president and law enforcement agencies investigating Trump for inciting an insurrection against the United States. The panel selected by Jordan could have been assembled in the green room of FOX News and is made up of a Star Wars Cantina-like cast of insurrectionist supporters, election deniers, FOX News contributors, disgruntled former employees and self-promoting book sellers.

The more aptly named “The Weaponization of MAGA Committee” is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded political stunt. Jim Jordan and his fellow MAGA Republicans and witnesses have no credibility and cannot be trusted to conduct fair investigations. They would rather try to score cheap shots at their political opponents and perceived enemies than work on the real issues Americans care about like lowering inflation and costs, tackling gun violence, banning junk fees, and more. The American people should and will see this as the political farce it is.


Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI)

  • Ron Johnson Is An Election Denier Who Was Deeply Involved in Trump’s Plot to Overturn the 2020 Election. U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has not only spread conspiracy theories about election fraud but was directly involved in an effort to deliver fake elector slates to then-Vice President Pence to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and has repeatedly attacked investigations by the Jan. 6th Committee and Department of Justice. He also helped ban ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin, called on Wisconsin legislators to “unilaterally take over federal elections, and called for an audit of the 2020 election in Wisconsin. Johnson also hired one of Wisconsin’s 10 false electors. This merely scratches the surface of his extensive efforts to overturn the will of the people. Johnson is also one of the leaders of the ongoing “investigation” of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (R-HI)

  • Tulsi Gabbard Is A Conspiratorial Darling Of The Far Right And Paid Fox News Contributor Who Has Embraced Election Deniers And Foreign Dictators. Tulsi Gabbard has long worked to appease dictators like Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin. She has lately been embraced by the far right because of her increasingly unhinged criticisms of Joe Biden and Democrats and growing support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As a podcaster and paid Fox News contributor, Gabbard has echoed far-right conspiracies and rhetoric about Democrats, calling the party “an elitist cabal of warmongers” who are engaged in “anti-white racism.” Gabbard campaigned for some of the most extreme MAGA Republican candidates during the 2022 elections, including far-right election deniers Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and Don Bolduc. 

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA)

  • Senator Chuck Grassley Had A Mysterious Role In January 6 And Is A Leader Of The Ongoing Hunter Biden Witch Hunt. Senator Chuck Grassley did not participate in Trump’s schemes to overturn the 2020 election. However, Grassley prompted confusion on January 5 when he said that Vice President Pence was planning to skip the Electoral College certification the next day. Grassley has since stated that he was not aware of the plot to overturn the election, but he was named in a memo from Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro as a possible senior senator who could take control of the Senate and reject electors if Vice President Pence recused himself. Grassley is one of the leaders of the ongoing “investigation” of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

Jonathan Turley, Law Professor & Fox News Contributor

  • Jonathan Turley: MAGA Hypocrite. Jonathan Turley is a Trump loyalist who defended Trump during his first and second impeachment trials, demonstrating blatant hypocrisy time and time again. After the 2020 election, Turley claimed that voting machines had switched “thousands of votes” from Trump to Biden in Michigan. When the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago for hundreds of withheld classified documents, Turley said there will be “hell to pay” for the Justice Department, but claimed Biden’s lawyers would be “witnesses in a criminal investigation” when they turned over a handful of classified documents. 

Thomas Baker, Former FBI Special Agent

  • Former FBI Agent Thomas Baker Retired From The FBI More Than 20 Years Ago And Has A Vendetta Against His Former Employer And A Book To Sell. Thomas Baker retired from the FBI more than 20 years ago in the pre-9/11 era and has since transformed himself into a MAGA loyalist. Baker has claimed the FBI was “a threat to democracy,” calling the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago an “abuse of authority” and repeatedly criticizing the FBI investigation into Trump’s Russian ties. He has ties to right-wing extremists and appeared on the podcast of Sebastian Gorka, a former Trump advisor who has ties to antisemitic and Islamophobic groups. Baker’s MAGA objectives are clear. As one legal expert declared, “Baker’s opinion does not deserve to be taken seriously, except perhaps as a disturbing sign of our times.” Baker also has a recently published book on “the fall of the FBI” to sell, and his prepared testimony includes a lengthy excerpt from the book. 

Nicole Parker, Former FBI Special Agent

  • Nicole Parker Is A Paid Fox News Contributor With No Direct Knowledge Of Anything Related To Political Activity At The FBI. Nicole Parker is a former FBI agent who has found a new role as a paid Fox News contributor and has ongoing gripes against her former employer. Parker told Sean Hannity last month that she was “never asked to participate in anything that was political” during her tenure at the FBI and she admits in her prepared testimony that “there may be others more capable who would do a much better job than me” as witnesses.