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STATEMENT: Comer’s Latest Stunt Continues His Series of Bellyflops

Aug 9, 2023

PRESS RELEASE         Contact:
For Immediate Release
Date: August 9, 2023

Washington, D.C. – In Rep. James Comer’s next stop of a political stunt investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings, released bank records which he claims show nefarious dealings by the Biden family. Of course, the records show not a single shred of evidence tying President Biden to any wrongdoing whatsoever. In response, Congressional Integrity Project executive director, Kyle Herrig, issued the following statement: 

“This stunt from Comer is just more of the same – no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden, no new information to tie him to Hunter Biden’s business, and another desperate attempt to keep this bogus investigation alive. Comer’s fishing expedition continues to reel in nothing in a desperate attempt to distract from Trump.”
