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STATEMENT: Another Day, Another Evidence-Free Stunt from James Comer

Nov 1, 2023

PRESS RELEASE         Contact:
For Immediate Release
Date: November 1, 2023

Washington, D.C. – This morning, Oversight Chairman James Comer released his latest so-called “bombshell” in his evidence-free impeachment investigation of President Biden. Once again, he failed to show a single shred of wrongdoing by President Biden – in fact, today’s over-hyped announcement from Comer was a clear loan repayment that occurred when the president was neither in office nor a candidate for one. 

In response, Congressional Integrity Project executive director, Kyle Herrig, issued the following statement: 

“James Comer continues to promise evidence of wrongdoing only to keep embarrassing himself with old news, debunked conspiracies, and completely innocent transactions. This morning was just the latest in ten months of Comer failing to prove any wrongdoing by President Biden. Comer even admitted this week that he doesn’t want to hold any more impeachment hearings. It’s far past time for Comer and MAGA House Republicans to start focusing on the important issues that affect hard-working Americans and  end these partisan political stunts.”

Evidence Clearly Shows That These Checks are Loan Repayments When President Biden Was Out of Office 

  • Fact Check: Evidence supports Democrats’ case that Joe Biden made a personal loan to his brother. Banking records reviewed by CNN, which Comer’s committee possesses, provide substantial evidence in support of the Democrats’ assertions that there was indeed a $200,000 loan from Joe Biden to James Biden less than two months before the James Biden “loan repayment” check to Joe Biden for the same amount. [CNN, 10/31/23]
  • GOP Touts Bombshell Biden Payments — But Records Suggest Otherwise: “The records show in 2017, Joe Biden gave another short-term loan to his brother, sending him $40,000 from the same account maintained by his attorney. James Biden, again, repaid that loan without interest in just over a month, records show.” [The Messenger, 10/26/23]
  • Cherry-Picking ‘Influence’ Payment from James to Joe Biden: But as has been the case so often in the House investigation of the finances of Joe Biden’s family members, the claims have outpaced the evidence so far. [, 10/26/23]

House Republicans in swing districts, including those won by President Biden in 2020, ran on issues like inflation and the border but are being tainted by MAGA House Republicans like Comer pushing a partisan impeachment inquiry of President Biden. Just today, Congressional Integrity Project launched ads in the so-called Biden 18 GOP-held congressional districts holding these members accountable for the bogus impeachment effort advocated by newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson who they all voted for.