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SHOT/CHASER: James Comer’s Evidence-Free Impeachment Hearings Went So Poorly He Doesn’t Want To Hold Any More

Oct 27, 2023

Last night, MAGA Mike Johnson confirmed in one of his first interviews as Speaker that the bogus impeachment inquiry of President Biden will continue. 

The only problem is that his MAGA deputy in charge of the inquiry, Oversight Chair James Comer, admitted this week that the first impeachment hearing went so poorly that he doesn’t want to hold any more hearings. 

It turns out Comer can’t withstand any more public scrutiny from both the media and his own Republican colleagues about how much of a failure his evidence-free impeachment inquiry has been. He’d rather conduct an investigation in secret and bury the truth. Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson, James Comer, and their MAGA colleagues have one goal in mind – harm President Biden so Donald Trump can return to the White House – and they don’t care what lies and conspiracy theories they have to spread to get it done. 

SHOT: Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson says the evidence-free impeachment inquiry of President Biden will continue. “Because if, in fact, all the evidence leads to where we believe that it will, that’s very likely impeachable offenses…” [Video, Twitter, 10/26/23]

CHASER: James Comer knows there is no evidence to impeach President Biden, so he wants to investigate behind closed doors. “The Biden ‘impeachment inquiry’ has held no more hearings in the month since the first one. And, by his own admission, Comer doesn’t want to. ‘I don’t know that I want to hold any more hearings, to be honest with you,’ Comer said while speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill last week. He complained that it was hard to keep members present for hours on end, given that so many had other commitments. Instead, he said, he preferred depositions, which ‘you can do more with.’ There’s a truth buried in that, of course. You can do more with cherry-picked transcripts when your goal is to coat Joe Biden with insinuations and unproved allegations.” [Washington Post, 10/27/23]