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ROUNDUP: More Nails In The Coffin For Comer’s Impeachment Probe

Aug 20, 2024

Yesterday, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer released his long-promised impeachment inquiry report, detailing how he failed to uncover a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the President whatsoever. The report, which is filled with the same debunked conspiracy theories, factual inaccuracies, and downright misinformation repeated by MAGA Republicans about the President for years, demonstrated once and for all how James Comer and his MAGA House Republican cronies have wasted their whole time as the majority ignoring the important priorities of hard-working Americans across the country to do Donald Trump’s bidding. But don’t just take our word for it:

Politico: House GOP Hits End Of Biden Impeachment Effort.

  • House Republicans are all but officially giving up on trying to impeach Joe Biden.
  • It’s an anti-climactic end for what was one of the party’s most high-profile investigations of its slim majority. But it’s also a predictable one: With a three-vote margin, it’s been clear for months that House Republicans don’t have the votes to impeach Biden. Centrists have expressed open skepticism that investigators had found clear evidence of a crime or impeachable offense despite private briefings. And some of their colleagues are acknowledging that the report is effectively the end of the road. We don’t have the votes. We won’t have the votes. It’s math. … The report is going to be the end of it,’ one GOP lawmaker, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said about the impeachment effort.
  • But investigators struggled to find clear evidence that shows a direct link between actions Biden took as president or vice president and those business deals or that Biden committed a crime.
  • The ‘Biden-Harris’ administration gets name-dropped roughly 20 times in the GOP’s impeachment report — even though Harris wasn’t at the center of a GOP investigation that largely focused on the business deals of Biden’s family members, as well as the federal investigation into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s handling of classified records. And Republicans rolled out their report on the first day of the Democratic convention, with Biden expected to speak on Monday night.”

The New Republic: Desperate James Comer Now Wants to Impeach Biden (Again) to Help Trump.

  • “However, the report was unable to provide evidence that Biden himself had benefited from business dealings, or participated in any foreign business deals. Many of the claims in the report had already been refuted by witness testimony during interviews with the House Oversight Committee last year.”
  • “The report comes 11 months after Republicans first announced their failed campaign to convince a majority of House members to impeach Biden. House Republicans referred Hunter and James Biden for criminal prosecution in June, after a disastrous impeachment inquiry that failed to scrounge up the slightest bit of evidence that Biden had committed any wrongdoing. While that appeared to be a sign that House Oversight Chair James Comer’s quest to oust Biden had reached its inevitable, but anticlimactic, conclusion, apparently, that was somehow not the end of the Republicans’ feeble attempts to help Donald Trump.

The Hill: GOP’s Biden Impeachment Effort Fizzles With Report’s Release.

  • “The signature investigation of the Republican-led House fizzled to a close Monday as the GOP capped a yearlong probe into President Biden with a series of allegations but no recommendation to move forward with impeachment. It’s an unusual end for a process that took up much of the oxygen in Washington for months at a time.
  • But the report failed to uncover a smoking gun, instead relying on largely debunked threads, disputed testimony, and circumstantial evidence that failed to directly tie any official action from President Biden to his family’s business dealings.
  • “Even as the report asserts that he engaged in impeachable conduct, its release is cementing the sense among House Republicans that Biden — unexpectedly no longer their main political opponent — will not be impeached.

The New York Times: House G.O.P. Makes Impeachment Case Against Biden Without Proof of Crime.

  • But the report contains no proof that Mr. Biden, when he was vice president, engaged in any corrupt quid pro quo to benefit his son’s business partners, and Republicans admit they have no direct evidence that he ordered any interference into a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden.”
  • Like the impeachment investigation itself, the report — prepared by the Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees after a monthslong investigation — appears to be orchestrated for maximum political impact. It comes days before Democrats are set to formally nominate Kamala Harris, the vice president, as their presidential nominee, and seeks to tie her to what it presents as Mr. Biden’s misdeeds, using the phrase ‘the Biden-Harris administration’ 21 times.”
  • “The report cites a litany of accusations against Mr. Biden, ranging from the overseas business interests of Hunter and James Biden; his handling of classified documents; Hunter Biden’s sale of artwork; and the slow-walking of a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden. But it relies entirely on circumstantial evidence and inference to make a case against the president.

The Washington Examiner: Biden Impeachment Push Dies Quietly As House GOP Shifts Focus To Harris.

  • “House Republicans released their long-awaited impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with little fanfare on Monday as the weight of their investigative focus turns to the Democrats’ new party standard-bearer, Vice President Kamala Harris. A trio of GOP-led committees spent more than a year attempting to prove that Biden abused his office to engage in an influence-peddling scheme that enriched his family and their associates. But their investigation suffered a series of setbacks, including the indictment of an FBI informant central to their inquiry.” 
  • The push for impeachment, facing skepticism from centrist Republicans in the House, had already lost steam in the weeks before Biden exited the presidential race. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the Oversight Committee chairman who helped lead the investigation, conceded in March that a criminal referral was more likely than an impeachment vote. But Biden’s decision not to run for a second term gave the GOP even less reason to make a show of their report. They did not back away from their claim that Biden engaged in impeachable conduct, a claim disputed by Democrats and the White House, but the report was announced in the middle of a congressional break without a press conference.”

Daily Kos (Opinion): House GOP Tries To Rain On DNC Parade With Absurd Impeachment Report.

  • “With all eyes on Vice President Kamala Harris’ surging campaign and this week’s Democratic National Convention, Republicans are trying to grab headlines Monday by releasing the report of their baseless, purely political impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. To be sure, they’re getting those headlines. For example, in The New York Times: House G.O.P. Makes Impeachment Case Against Biden Without Proof of Crime. And from there, it only gets worse for them. With President Joe Biden leaving office in January, House Republicans’ inquiry is very unlikely to move forward, and as further proof that it was all politics all along, the Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means committees released all 291 pages of this bullshit report on the first day of the Democratic National Convention.
  • It’s been clear for months that the inquiry’s main drivers—Oversight Chair James Comer and Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan—had nothing. In fact, in the report, Comer and Jordan basically admit as much while saying it feels like there should be something.
  • In other words, House Republicans have no evidence, but they don’t need no stinking evidence. Except, of course, they do. They have to convince a majority of the House to impeach Biden and a majority of the Senate to convict him. And it’s been clear for months that they haven’t even been able to convince a majority of House Republicans to do it.

Politics USA: James Comer’s Impeachment Report Actually Exonerates Joe Biden.

  • “In other words, Biden did nothing wrong, but Comer is trying to make it look like Biden did something wrong.
  • If Biden did commit impeachable offenses, why wouldn’t Comer draft impeachment articles and recommend impeachment? The reason is that President Biden did not commit any impeachable offenses. The whole investigation was a stunt intended to harm the President in an election year, but now that Biden is no longer a candidate, Comer is folding up his circus tent and instead investigating Tim Walz’s military service. Comer has turned the House Oversight Committee into an arm of the Trump campaign, and it will be a great day for America in January 2025 when Democrats are sworn in as the new majority and the likes of James Comer and Jim Jordan are no longer in power.”