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ROUNDUP: Kevin McCarthy’s Bogus Impeachment Inquiry Is Another Political Stunt To Distract From Real Priorities

Sep 21, 2023

With a government shutdown looming, Kevin McCarthy and his fellow MAGA House Republicans are pushing ahead with their bogus, evidence-free impeachment of President Biden. They are once again putting politics and loyalty to Donald Trump above the American people. All they care about is doing Donald Trump’s bidding – no matter the truth and no matter the consequences. MAGA House Republicans have the wrong priorities and around the country, people know it and don’t like it. 

Los Angeles Times (Opinion): Column: Kevin McCarthy’s Impeachment Inquiry Proves There’s Only One Political Party Of Revenge — The GOP. “Contrast those justifiable instances of Trump’s comeuppance with McCarthy and Co. opening an inquiry into Biden’s … what? They can’t tell you: The grounds for impeaching Biden are yet to be filled in. That’s what an inquiry is for, McCarthy says… The move appeased no one. Meanwhile, more sane House Republicans kvetched that the so-far-baseless crusade was interfering with the real business of Congress — like funding the government and avoiding a shutdown on Oct. 1.” [Los Angeles Times, 9/21/23]

Houston Chronicle (Opinion): Impeach Biden? What A Waste Of Republican Power. (Editorial). “Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy unilaterally opened the inquiry last week — despite previously saying he wouldn’t do so without a full House vote  […]What it does guarantee is an unnecessary distraction from far more important congressional business, such as keeping the dang government open beyond the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30. […]. The unseriousness of this inquiry is plain to see from anyone who’s been following the Hunter Biden legal saga […] But until one of these hearings turns up something real that directly implicates his father in some sort of wrongdoing, let’s just call this impeachment inquiry what it is: a partisan circus act.” [Houston Chronicle, 9/21/23]

The Guardian: An Impeachment-And-Shutdown Show Will Fuel The Crisis In US Democracy. “If it’s Thursday, it must be impeachment. If it’s Saturday, it must be government shutdown. Next week, Republicans in Congress seem determined to prove that US democracy is broken. The party plans to hold the first hearing on its impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden over his family’s business dealings on 28 September. Meanwhile the Republican-controlled House of Representatives is barreling towards a deadline of 30 September to keep federal agencies running.” [The Guardian, 9/20/23]

CNN: Fact Check: Jim Jordan Makes False Claims About Trump, Hunter Biden To Begin Hearing On Handling Of The Federal Cases Against Them. “House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan made false claims in his opening remarks at a Wednesday hearing at which Jordan and other Republicans pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland about the Justice Department’s handling of investigations into former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. […] Criticizing the FBI search of Trump’s home in Florida in August 2022, Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, falsely claimed in his opening statement at Wednesday’s hearing that Trump did everything the Justice Department had asked him to do prior to the search.” [CNN, 9/20/23]

The Hill (Opinion): Is the GOP House Working For The Trump Campaign? “McCarthy authorized the inquiry not because of compelling evidence but because of relentless pressure from right-wing Republicans, any one of whom could call for a majority vote to remove McCarthy from the Speakership. There is little question that the so-called Freedom Caucus is marching to Trump’s drumbeat. ‘Over the past several months, Mr. Trump has kept a close watch on House Republicans’ momentum toward impeaching Mr. Biden,’ according to The New York Times. ‘Mr. Trump has talked regularly by phone with members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and other congressional Republicans who pushed for impeachment. […] Mr. Trump has encouraged the effort both privately and publicly.’” [The Hill (Opinion), 9/20/23]

Louisville Courier-Journal: Gerth: James Comer Is Lying About His Biden Investigation, And Trump Loves Him For It. “In his zeal to smear Joe Biden with the sins of his son, Comer has taken duplicity to a new level. In just the last few months, Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, has hyped the testimony of one “whistle blower” who claimed without any proof that Joe Biden had been in a deal to trade personal favors for foreign aid. […] Turns out, his star witness has been on the lam for the past year because he has been charged in federal court with acting as an unregistered foreign agent of the Chinese government. […] In the lead-up to the interview with that witness, Comer claimed the former business partner of Hunter Biden would also provide testimony that would show that Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that put Hunter Biden on its board of directors, believed it would benefit from the firing of Ukraine general prosecutor Viktor Shokin when Joe Biden pushed for it. In fact, he had been told repeatedly that Burisma would benefit from the do-nothing prosecutor remaining in office. On and on it goes.” Read the full column here. [Louisville Courier-Journal: 9/21/23