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POLLING ROUNDUP: Americans Have Different Priorities Than The MAGA Republican House and Their Focus On Partisan Stunts

Feb 2, 2023

Yesterday, the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees’ first hearings descended into a MAGA sideshow of misplaced priorities. The latest polling reveals that voters are very skeptical about the Republican majority’s priorities. 73% of U.S. adults think Republican leaders in the House haven’t paid enough attention to the country’s most important problems. Only 39% of Americans actually think Republicans in Congress are focused on their top issues like inflation, while 65% are concerned that Republicans in Congress will focus too much on investigating the Biden administration. 63% have little-to-no confidence that Congress will conduct fair and impartial investigations into Biden and his administration. The polling is clear: Republicans are more focused on partisan stunts than addressing the real issues facing Americans.

Navigator Research: Republicans in Congress Are Not Seen Focusing on Inflation, Jobs and Economy As Much As Americans Want

  • More than half of Americans want Congress to focus on inflation (56%), yet only 39% actually think Republicans in Congress are focused on the issue.
  • 55% of Americans think the GOP is most focused on investigations, when only 16% say it’s important (40-point gap).

Pew Research Center: Americans Concerned Republicans in Congress Will Focus Too Much on Investigating Biden

  • Two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) are more concerned that Republicans in Congress will focus too much on investigating the Biden administration, while only 32% are more concerned that congressional Republicans will focus too little on this. Democrats are overwhelmingly likely to express greater concern about too much of a focus on investigations (89%) versus too little (9%) and 4 in 10 Republicans agree.

Gallup: More Americans Now Cite Poor Leadership as Top Issue Facing the County Since House Republicans Took Charge

  • 21% of Americans rank the government and poor leadership as “the most important problem facing the country today.”
  • Americans’ dislike of the government is up since Republicans took charge of the House. Only 15% of respondents said the government was the biggest issue in November and December.

NBC News: Americans Say Congressional Republicans Will Spend Too Much Time Investigating Biden; Not Enough On Other Priorities

  • Majorities believe the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives will be too inflexible in dealing with Biden and will spend too much time investigating the president instead of focusing on other priorities.
  • 54% of adults say congressional Republicans will be too inflexible in dealing with President Biden, versus 28% who say they’ll strike the right balance and another 10% who say they’ll give in too quickly. 
  • 55% of Americans say congressional Republicans will spend too much time investigating Biden and not enough time on other priorities, while a combined 63% have no to little confidence that Congress will conduct a fair and impartial investigation into Biden and his administration.

Washington Post: Independent Voters Wary Of Investigations, Want House GOP To Deliver Results

  • Voters are very skeptical about the Republican majority’s priorities. A focus group of independents viewed these early days of the Republican majority as mostly getting back at Democrats or an appeasement to the right flank. The pending examination of Hunter Biden’s financial dealings received little interest.

CNN: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Americans Think House GOP Leaders Haven’t Paid Enough Attention To Most Important Problems

  • 73% of U.S. adults think Republican leaders in the House haven’t paid enough attention to the country’s most important problems. Just 27% of US adults say they think Republican leaders in the House have had the right priorities so far.
  • Fewer than one-third of Americans believe that House GOP leaders are prioritizing the country’s most important issues, and Republicans are particularly likely to express discontent with their own party leadership.
  • More than two-thirds (67%) of Americans disapprove of Republican leaders in Congress.