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NEW: Congressional Integrity Project, Experts Discuss Polling on Bogus Impeachment and Biden 18 Battleground House Districts

Sep 6, 2023

For Immediate Release
September 6, 2023
Contact: Matt Herdman | 973-270-3645

New poll shows a majority of voters in these districts believe a MAGA Republican Impeachment Inquiry of President Biden would be more about helping Donald Trump than finding the truth

*Watch the briefing here*

Los Angeles, CA – Today, Lawyers Defending American Democracy of counsel Dennis Aftergut, Public Policy Polling Analyst Jim Williams, and Congressional Integrity Project Senior Advisor Brad Woodhouse joined a virtual press briefing to discuss a new poll commissioned by the Congressional Integrity Project and conducted by Public Policy Polling. Voters view a potential impeachment inquiry as partisan and political in nature and don’t support Republican efforts to impeach President Biden without evidence. 

The virtual press briefing was held ahead of the House’s return on September 12th and as Republicans ramp up their plans to hold a bogus impeachment of President Biden. As Donald Trump continues to get into more and more legal trouble, MAGA House Republicans have gotten more desperate to come up with distractions and their evidence-free impeachment will just be their latest failed attempt. MAGA House Republicans have failed to find a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden but that is not stopping them from continuing these political stunts. If Kevin McCarthy holds a vote on an impeachment inquiry as recently promised, US Reps. John Duarte (CA-13), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Young Kim (CA-40), Michelle Steel (CA-45), and David Valadao (CA-22) will have to decide where they stand on these bogus political stunts.

A majority of voters, including a majority of independents, say there should be a House vote before an impeachment inquiry begins. 

  • Two-thirds (67%) of voters overall and 73% of independents say that President Biden should not be impeached if no evidence is found that he received any bribes or changed government policies in relation to the activities of his son, Hunter Biden.
  • A majority of voters (56%) think an impeachment inquiry would be more about damaging President Biden politically, including 61% of independent voters, while only 41% think it would be more about finding the truth.
  • A majority of voters (56%) from these key swing districts think the House of Representatives should have to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden before it begins, with just 31% believing the House should not have to vote to authorize the proceedings. Those in support of requiring a House vote include a majority of independent voters (51%), while only 29% of Independents think the House should not have to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry. 

“Take a look at the things that House Democrats are focusing on — paid family and medical leave, the child tax credit, the March on Washington, and equal pay for women — things the American people actually care about and the issues that swing voters in this district care about. This poll shows that impeachment is not what the people in these districts want out of their representation,” said Brad Woodhouse, Congressional Integrity Project senior advisor. “The MAGA Republicans in Congress are playing a game — they think if they can get an impeachment inquiry, they can tarnish Joe Biden just enough that they can return Donald Trump to the White House.”

“This impeachment stuff does not sell in these districts. And if that’s what these Members of Congress choose to focus on, rather than accomplishing things for the American people, I think the polling shows that they do so at their own peril,” said Jim Williams, Public Policy Polling analyst.

Reflecting on the politicization of impeachment, Lawyers Defending American Democracy of counsel Dennis Aftergut said: “MAGA Republicans want to drain these important checks and balances of any meaning so Americans say ‘oh, it’s just politics, they all do that.’”

The poll was conducted in the districts of Don Bacon (NE-2), Lori Chavez-Deremer (OR-5), Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6), Anthony D’Esposito (NY-4), John Duarte (CA-13), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), Jen Kiggans (VA-2), Young Kim (CA-40), Nick LaLota (NY-1), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Marc Molinaro (NY-19), George Santos (NY-3), David Schweikert (AZ-1), Michelle Steel (CA-45), David Valadao (CA-22), and Brandon Williams (NY-22).

You can watch the briefing here, view the poll here, and learn more about how MAGA Republicans are trying to undermine democracy here.