For Immediate Release
Date: January 29, 2024
Digital Ads Target Reps. Bacon, Chavez-DeRemer, Ciscomani, D’Esposito, Duarte, Fitzpatrick, Garcia, Kean, Jr., Kiggans, Kim, LaLota, Lawler, Molinaro, Schweikert, Steel, Valadao, and Williams
Washington, D.C. – This week, the Congressional Integrity Project launched a new paid digital ad campaign in the seventeen Republican House districts across the country that were won by President Biden in 2020.
The ads call out Rep. Tom Kean, Jr. and the other Biden 17 members for the Republican Congress’ failure to work on solving our broken and outdated immigration system at the behest of Donald Trump in order to hurt Joe Biden. The impeachment attempt of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is merely a bogus, unconstitutional political stunt that does nothing to solve the serious problems facing our border.
The ads are part of a months-long, seven-figure, no-holds-barred advocacy campaign, run by the Congressional Integrity Project, targeting members of the Biden 17 and holding Republicans accountable for ignoring critical priorities and instead, focusing on bogus investigations and an impeachment inquiry to hurt President Biden and help Donald Trump return to the White House.
In addition, Congressional Integrity Project executive director Kyle Herrig issued the following statement.
“This is an outrageous and unconstitutional attempt to undermine the work of Secretary Mayorkas and the Biden administration. Impeachment has never been used and was never intended to be used over policy differences – but this isn’t actually about any differences in policy or trying to solve the crisis at the border. This impeachment is all about politics and helping Trump take back the White House in 2024.
“We’re not even putting words in their mouths. Trump and his insurrectionist crony Marjorie Taylor Greene demanded this bogus impeachment and are bragging about how they blocked a bipartisan deal, all so Trump could continue campaigning on a crisis rather than actually solving it. This is a nakedly partisan political stunt from a damaged, disgraced, four time indicted former president who is desperate to harm Joe Biden.
“Let us be clear – this bogus impeachment is as wrong as it is immoral and it will blow up in their faces. And if Tom Kean, Jr. and other Republicans from swing districts and especially districts Biden won in 2020 think they can quietly support this nonsense without repercussions, they are as delusional as Donald Trump.”
The ads will run and have a significant online presence in the following districts: Don Bacon (NE-2), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-5), Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6), Anthony D’Esposito (NY-4), John Duarte (CA-13), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), Jen Kiggans (VA-2), Young Kim (CA-40), Nick LaLota (NY-1), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Marc Molinaro (NY-19), David Schweikert (AZ-1), Michelle Steel (CA-45), David Valadao (CA-22), and Brandon Williams (NY-22).
MAGA Republicans have decried the situation at the border, calling it a crisis.
But now, they are walking away from a deal to fix it.
All because Donald Trump is afraid that fixing the border will help Joe Biden.
Instead of fixing the border, Republicans are pushing phony, evidence-free impeachments.
Because Donald Trump told them to.
Call Tom Kean, Jr.
Tell him enough is enough. Stop the phony impeachments and fix the border.